Shine through your A&R visit
Exceeding National Quality Standards
Navigating the Assessment and Rating process can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. With my tailored guidance, you’ll be ready to approach it with confidence, clarity, and the expertise to showcase your centre at its best.
I’ve supported multiple centres to an exceeding rating and I sleep well knowing I’m advocating for practice that supports little people to have the best early education and care possible.
What’s included
Support to complete an effective self-assessment process
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) development and review
Detailed assessment of review report to support ongoing improvement and identify areas that may not be meeting NQS
Recommendations for Professional Development Priorities
Facilitation and mentoring support for QIP progress and planning
don't wait until you receive your letter
don't wait until you receive your letter ♡
What to expect
The assessment and rating process plays a crucial role in elevating the quality of early learning across Australia. But let's be real - it is a daunting process! It’s important but losing sleep is not want I want for you (trust me, I’ve been there)
I am here to be your overseeing eyes, that extra lens to ensure you have considered all your T’s and dotted those i’s. My support will look at all Quality Areas with a targeted focus on areas - 1, 3 and 5.
The process is tailored because your centre is unique, with its own set of challenges as well as a rich history of all the amazing things you’ve already accomplished. To get started, reach out to discuss where you’re currently at with your preparation. Whether you’re looking for comprehensive support or help tackling specific challenges, I’m here to guide you through.
This process is not a mock assessment but rather a thorough review of your centre’s practices. I’ll gather key information and evidence, then provide a detailed report with clear insights and tailored recommendations to help you meet best practice standards and focus on continuous improvement.
Once your report is ready, we’ll connect for a virtual or face-to-face meeting to go over the findings and next steps with your leadership team.
Prepared and Confident team - Practice having someone in your early learning space observing and speaking to educators about their practice
Critical reflection - This type of support can be used as evidence of critical reflection, a fundamental aspect of the exceeding themes
Pedagogical excellence - I want to help build your team's pedagogical knowledge of evidence-informed practice that aligns with the National Quality Standards
Identify gaps in practice - So you can consider these and improve them asap
QIP accuracy and relevance - Clarity and confidence that you have prioritised the right areas for improvement
You know you and your team are committed to providing Australia's children with the best and you want to showcase this on the day of your assessment. You are wondering if you have “done enough” and want to know you haven’t left any stone unturned.
Packages start at $1500
Don't wait until you get your letter - organise your support today
Get in touch today!
Have questions? There’s a good chance I’ve answered them in the Frequently Asked Questions below.
I have over 20 years of experience working in the early childhood sector and with parents, guiding children with love and connection.
contact Elise
GET STARTED ✱ contact Elise ✱
Packages start at $1500. Don't wait until you get your letter - organise your support today.
Frequently Asked Questions
This depends on the size of your centre. Usually, a 1-day observation is enough to provide you with an insightful report of practice strengths and opportunities. Bigger centres may need an additional day which will be discussed prior to our work together.
You may need to, but we will plan that all out before we start.
Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that working with any early learning consultant or agency will lead to a particular rating. I will provide as much information as I can to ensure you are set up to put your best foot forward.
I will focus my observations on the overall program including but not limited to- interactions, relationships, environments, experiences, routines and programs (including documentation) I will not have time to look at non-negotiable compliance requirements such as checking expiry dates in medication bags or reviewing health and safety policies.
No, my consultancy support is focused on evidence-informed practice that aligns with the NQS and advocates for child-centred approaches.
That is a common response and shows me that they care. While being nervous is understandable I am a relationship advocate so I do my best to provide honest and helpful support that also helps educators to feel seen, heard and understood. Prior to beginning work together, you will be provided resources to share with your team to build their confidence in the opportunity.
Of course! It is up to you and your team who I am supporting. You as the leaders in your setting are the change makers, I highly encourage leadership to be a part of the whole process.